Nak’azdli Sa Na’angus Whuhoduleh

Effective December 1, 2024, Nak’azdli Whut’en Aboriginal Head Start will be known as Nak’azdli Sa Na’angus Whuhoduleh “Rainbow Learning Centre”.

Effective April 1, 2022, Nak’azdli Whut’en Childcare Centre has moved under Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve and will be known as Nak’azdli Whut’en Aboriginal Head Start Childcare and as such there will no longer be any Childcare Fees.

As an Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve, we will be accepting children from Aboriginal, Inuit, and Metis decent. Priority will be given to Nak’azdli Whut’en Members.


Our Philosophy

Children are entitled to a safe and healthy environment from which they can grow and develop. The daily schedule along with activities and interactions with all individuals at Nak’azdli Sa Na’angus Whuhoduleh should contribute to every child’s emotional, physical, mental, cognitive, and social well-being. Children learn through encouragement, respect, responsibility, and affection. Nak’azdli Sa Na’angus Whuhoduleh Staff are committed to providing a healthy, safe environment for learning. Social interactions are learned through role-modeling, direct and indirect guidance. Parents are their child’s greatest teacher and Nak’azdli Sa Na’angus Whuhoduleh believes parent/guardian involvement is key to successful enrollment. Parents and guardians are encouraged to participate in any part of their child’s day.

Culture is an important part of a child’s experience. Nak’azdli Sa Na’angus Whuhoduleh recognizes many Cultures may be represented in various programs and each culture will be respected. Staff are committed to promoting Carrier Language and Culture as part of regular daily activities. Staff are entitled to a work environment which recognizes and respects their training, experience, and skills.

The Code of Ethics and confidentiality are an integral element in the workplace. Information will be kept confidential, and staff will maintain Nak’azdli Whut’en Band Code of Ethics.



We are Fully Licensed by Northern Interior Regional Health Board and comply with the Health and Safety Regulations outlined in the Community Care Facilities Act, the Childcare Licensing Regulation, and the Director of Licensing Standards of Practice, for children 0 to school age. We have a staff handbook, Childcare Licensing Regulations, Active Play Policies, Schedule H, Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Guide, An Emergency Preparedness Guide for Childcare and protocols used by the Nak’azdli Sa Na’angus Whuhoduleh for Fire Drills, Health, and Safety, etc., if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.


Program Goal

The goals of Nak’azdli Sa Na’angus Whuhoduleh are:

· Ensure each child is provided with an opportunity to develop their physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and cultural growth in a safe, healthy environment.

· Promote healthy choices by role modeling and encouragement.

· Assist each child in their development with age-appropriate activities and experience.

· Keep parents/guardians informed on their child's daily activities.

· Provide an environment free from any type of racism, marginalization, or discrimination.

· Nak’azdli Sa Na’angus Whuhoduleh will establish a comprehensive curriculum that reflects the developmental needs of this program as well as the six program components of Aboriginal Head Start on Reserve: nutrition, education, family involvement, social supports, health promotion, culture, and language.


Providing a safe and fun environment for children ages 3-5.

Give Us a Call to Enroll Your Child Today!

Daycare Hours
Monday-Friday: 7:30 am-5 pm

Nak’azdli Child Care Centre
133 Carrier Road
Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0
(250) 996-7001